Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bloggers Beware!!

Just released today and blowing up all over the Autistic community is this article published in the Huffington Post.  If you have the chance to read it you really should! It is extremely interesting as well as promising for the Autism community.  The article is not what this post is about though.  It is about the comments below the article that have me almost to the point of shaking I am so frustrated.

Take for example this comment..."It's immunizations...that 's why the dramatic increase in recent years."  I have a few questions for you there: What are you basing your opinion off of? Where did you get this information? Did you even read this article? Or this nice fellow..."I think it is chemicals and pollutants also."  I would like to pose the questions above to you as well. 

Case in point...blogging has not only created a community for the intelligent to share ideas and collaborate instantly, but also opened the door for the idiots, the morons, the uneducated, and the stupid to grace us with their input on serious issues.  So please careful of what you post and be smart about it.  Take others opinions into consideration.  And make sure the community you are creating by posting is constructive rather than the opposite. 

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