Sunday, December 12, 2010

Teknologikly Addvanced

O how I love spell check!  Over the past semester we have learned about so many different assistive technologies to help children learn but what we must not forget is the technology we have used over and over again, often without even realizing it.  Think about when you sit at your computer and type out that dreaded final paper and see that little dotted red line appear when you spell a word incorrectly.  The purpose of this post is to encourage you to explore what you already have available at your fingertips and master it.  Find a purpose for it.  As our nation's school districts struggle with money, you will need to be innovative in your thinking about how to help your struggling students.

Just this past week I had a professor tell me that she cant write well, often forgetting how to correctly make a certain letter.  So how does this problem get solved? She only types.  She didn't need the latest iPhone app, didn't need to download a new program, simply needed a computer to best help her learn. 

How many of you know how all the Excel formulas to help you with your math homework? Think about how much easier that math homework would be.  Why don't we teach our students how to use all of these? They can even check their homework themselves in some cases (This is a good thing as it lessens your workload)!

So I leave you with this advice...know your software inside and out. All of it.  Spend time figuring out every nook and cranny your school software has to offer and think about where it can be incorporated into your teaching strategies. 

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