Monday, December 13, 2010

What do You Want to do Before You Die?

Inspired by the Buried Life and surrounded by all sorts of teaching talk and classes, I have continually thought about what I want to accomplish before I die and the phrase 'make a difference' continually runs through my head.  I had no idea what I wanted to be growing up but my senior year of high school transformed me into who I aspire to be today.  After dropping an honors English course with a teacher who kicked me out of her class the previous semester no less than once a week, I was placed into a 'peer tutoring' class in a special education room.  Having no experience with special education, I was apprehensive to say the least.  I thought maybe this would just turn into study hall or I wouldn't even have to show up but I was so wrong.  I was introduced to the most life changing experience I could ever have.  I found myself out of my comfort zone and learning to deal with adversity like no other event had ever showed me how.  I was found talents I never knew I had, but most importantly though I found my niche.

As the semester concludes and eventually the year, I hope to pursue my dreams of becoming a special education teacher and look back and say, "I made a difference."  My hope is that all of you reading this can do the same and maybe add this to your bucket list not as something you can ever cross off, but something those who find your bucket list will be able to cross off for you.  I hope you look back on all your experiences here and use what you have learned to truly reach your full potential and make a difference in whatever path you take.

1 comment:

  1. Brendan want an inspiring post! Reading your post made me think about why I want to become a Special Education teacher! I was lucky enough to go to a school from kindergarten to eight grade which had a school of special needs students in my school. I never realized until high school how much I learned from every student in the school! My freshman year I was a GenEd major, until my niece was born with Down Syndrome and I realized how important it is to have teachers that care and want to be educators! Thank you for sharing the reason why you want to become a teacher!
